If you like Trivia, Youll Love Cultura-229 , With Games and Contestes Cultura-229 is a general culture game focused on Benin and operating with
If you like trivia, you'll love Cultura-229 , with games and contests
Cultura-229 is a general culture game focused on Benin and operating with unique choice questions organized by themes and classified in three different levels of difficulty.
The application is organized in three parts: games, competitions and weekly quizs.
In part of the games, there are four types operating according to different principles:
- The 3 levels: this game consists of a series of questions spread over three levels. At each level you have questions of equivalent difficulty, and when you finish a level, you are not allowed to continue the game and go to the next level, that if you have the average for the previous level (s). The one level has five questions, the seven two, and the three eight.
- The top time: here it is a question of answering as many questions in the allotted time.
- The faultless: here, a bad answer leads to the immediate stop of the game.
- Thematics: as its name suggests, the questions of this game relate to specific themes. You have several quizs focused on different themes, and the game ends when you answered all the questions of the chosen quiz.
You also have, whatever the game, of a time bonus depending on your performance, which is allocated to you at the end of the game, and a joker activated three times during the same part, and which helps you by eliminating according to the level of difficulty of the question, one, two or three bad answers.
These questions of the games, are developed by the team ensuring the maintenance and operation of the application, or offered by Cultura-229 users.
The weekly contests and quiz, on the other hand, operate according to identical principles. In these two parts of the application, the quizs are valid until a given date, that defined by the promoter of the questionnaire.
Among the quiz available, so you choose the one that interests you, you answer questions until the very last, and once the questionnaire is finished, you are offered to provide information necessary for your authentication near the promoter, then your responses are sent to a remote server where they will be waiting for a study in view of defining the winners.